maintenance Level 1
Level 1 - Carbs low Monday to Saturday and higher on Sunday
Monday to Saturday
Carbohydrates 40g and below
Fats 50g - 70g
Protein 100g+
Carbohydrates 40g to 100g
Fats less than 30 - 40g
Protein 100g+
Monday to Saturday
Carbohydrates 40g and below
Fats 50g - 70g
Protein 100g+
Carbohydrates 40g to 100g
Fats less than 30 - 40g
Protein 100g+
maintenance Level 2
Level 2
Option A - Adding more higher carb days (up to 100g) while keeping the fats at 50g and below on those days. For now, we want to only increase carbs directly after a workout on days other than Sunday.
Option B - Increasing fats from from 50g to 70g while keeping the carbs low on those days.
(You could also go between both options above)
Level 2 Maintenance Option A (adding more higher carb days)
Carbohydrates 40g on non workout days. Carbohydrates up to 100g on training days when adding the extra carbs directly after a workout
Fats 50g and below on training days
Protein 100g+
On non-training days you can use Option B as seen below
Level 2 Maintenance Option B (adding more higher fat days)
Carbohydrates 40g and below
Fats 70g (optional for every day - not just training days)
Protein 100g+
(Sunday higher carbs lower fat)
Option A - Adding more higher carb days (up to 100g) while keeping the fats at 50g and below on those days. For now, we want to only increase carbs directly after a workout on days other than Sunday.
Option B - Increasing fats from from 50g to 70g while keeping the carbs low on those days.
(You could also go between both options above)
Level 2 Maintenance Option A (adding more higher carb days)
Carbohydrates 40g on non workout days. Carbohydrates up to 100g on training days when adding the extra carbs directly after a workout
Fats 50g and below on training days
Protein 100g+
On non-training days you can use Option B as seen below
Level 2 Maintenance Option B (adding more higher fat days)
Carbohydrates 40g and below
Fats 70g (optional for every day - not just training days)
Protein 100g+
(Sunday higher carbs lower fat)
maintenance Level 3
Level 3
If you aren't sticking to the Level 1 or level 2 guidelines then you are automatically following level 3
Carbohydrates 40g plus
Fats 50g plus
Protein 100g plus
If you aren't sticking to the Level 1 or level 2 guidelines then you are automatically following level 3
Carbohydrates 40g plus
Fats 50g plus
Protein 100g plus
The Long Term Maintenance PlanWe work on increasing food intake in two week cycles in the beginning of maintenance. Usually jumping 200 calories at a time. If you've been eating 1000 calories for two weeks then it's time to move to 1200 calories. When you've been at 1200 for two weeks then you can move to 1400. When eating 1400 for two weeks you can move to 1600.
When people reach 1600 they might prefer to space out the next jump. In lots of cases people are very satisfied eating this quantity of food, however in most cases people are still undereating so two things will happen.
1. Over time they will start to feel lethargic.
2. If they are interested in strengthening and toning their results will plateau.
Eventually they will move to 1800 calories. Some will stay here. Others will move to 2000 and more. At this point people have a fantastic understanding of maintenance.
People who are very active might consume protein up to 2g per KG of bodyweight. However less is also fine. No one is consuming too little as we have 100g as our main target which is over 1g per KG of bodyweight for everyone.
The remaining calories are divided up between fats and carbs depending on preference. Most people will use fats to make up the majority of calories with the balance made up from healthy carbs.
When people reach 1600 they might prefer to space out the next jump. In lots of cases people are very satisfied eating this quantity of food, however in most cases people are still undereating so two things will happen.
1. Over time they will start to feel lethargic.
2. If they are interested in strengthening and toning their results will plateau.
Eventually they will move to 1800 calories. Some will stay here. Others will move to 2000 and more. At this point people have a fantastic understanding of maintenance.
People who are very active might consume protein up to 2g per KG of bodyweight. However less is also fine. No one is consuming too little as we have 100g as our main target which is over 1g per KG of bodyweight for everyone.
The remaining calories are divided up between fats and carbs depending on preference. Most people will use fats to make up the majority of calories with the balance made up from healthy carbs.