(First posted on Facebook)
➡️Fat Loss and Failure⬅️
In most cases a 6 weeks fat loss programme doesn’t lead to sustainable results…
Unless you have a stone or less to lose. If you have more to lose then it's too difficult to continue on afterwards on your own. Lots say it’s not. Lots fail. Especially since the last 7lbs to 14lbs are the hardest to shift and in lots of cases you will need to change tactics.
➡️What has worked up to the last stone might not work anymore or it might work but at an incredibly slow pace.⬅️
You can congratulate yourself for finally getting back into your size 12 or even 10’s 😁 but you will still have that pouch left ☹
If doing a short programme I would actually spend most of that time teaching them how to keep the weight off afterwards – not spending time teaching them how to lose it. Fast weight loss is simple to teach and for a lot of people it’s not even that difficult to follow as the rules are so simple and straight forward. Fast weight loss is the dreaded chicken and broccoli type approach. Not tasty but it’s quick.
➡️I hate using it and will only do so if absolutely needed⬅️
However, you will gain it back much quicker than the 6 weeks it took to lose it if you don’t understand what healthy maintenance nutrition is.
And it’s NOT porridge, brown bread, wraps, brown pasta, brown ice, rice cakes, slimming bread, endless bowls of fruit and all the other things which we are told are healthy.
And let’s face it, it’s a waste of time losing it and then gaining it back again.
I will admit that I’ve had a few clients who just need an initial chat and they’re off…I mean they hit the ground running and are just absolutely flying it.
They rarely touch base with me (even though I have my clients send me daily updates) and they are just losing it consistently week after week. The reality is that these women probably only need 6 weeks because they are so focused and self-motivated, and they don’t have any emotional connection with food. They eat to fuel and will do whatever is best, no questions asked.
They have the information – they implement it, and that’s it.
Don’t worry if you aren’t one of those people. Hardly anyone is that type of person. They are rare. But they are an absolute dream to work with! The truth is that I might only have one or two people at a time working with me who have that drive and determination…
➡️Back to the topic of 6 weeks…
⚠️In most cases people need more time
⚠️They need to adjust
⚠️They need to form new habits slowly
⚠️They have bumps along the way
⚠️And when they do, sometimes it can take a few weeks to get back on track
⚠️But they do get back on track
⚠️And they continue
⚠️And if they hit another bumpy patch 2 months later and stall for a couple of weeks – that’s fine.
⚠️We’ll deal with it.
⚠️Normally it might happen if they have exams, or if a loved one has become ill, or maybe they just went on holidays.
⚠️It’s just a bump
⚠️If we then plan it in – we deal with it – and they continue
Imagine you are doing a 6 week ‘diet and fitness plan’ and you hit a bump on week 5….or if you hit a bump on week 12 which is 6 weeks after the plan has ended. I would say that in 90% of cases that will be that.
The person feels totally disheartened and feels like a failure (yet again) and before they know it they are back to where they started a few months ago. But now they feel even worse because they have let themselves down.
My advice is to start a programme with the intentions of sticking with it until the job is done which should also include spending a few weeks at the end in maintenance so that you are completely ready to go alone.
As always if you have any questions or would like more information just shoot me a message.
➡️Fat Loss and Failure⬅️
In most cases a 6 weeks fat loss programme doesn’t lead to sustainable results…
Unless you have a stone or less to lose. If you have more to lose then it's too difficult to continue on afterwards on your own. Lots say it’s not. Lots fail. Especially since the last 7lbs to 14lbs are the hardest to shift and in lots of cases you will need to change tactics.
➡️What has worked up to the last stone might not work anymore or it might work but at an incredibly slow pace.⬅️
You can congratulate yourself for finally getting back into your size 12 or even 10’s 😁 but you will still have that pouch left ☹
If doing a short programme I would actually spend most of that time teaching them how to keep the weight off afterwards – not spending time teaching them how to lose it. Fast weight loss is simple to teach and for a lot of people it’s not even that difficult to follow as the rules are so simple and straight forward. Fast weight loss is the dreaded chicken and broccoli type approach. Not tasty but it’s quick.
➡️I hate using it and will only do so if absolutely needed⬅️
However, you will gain it back much quicker than the 6 weeks it took to lose it if you don’t understand what healthy maintenance nutrition is.
And it’s NOT porridge, brown bread, wraps, brown pasta, brown ice, rice cakes, slimming bread, endless bowls of fruit and all the other things which we are told are healthy.
And let’s face it, it’s a waste of time losing it and then gaining it back again.
I will admit that I’ve had a few clients who just need an initial chat and they’re off…I mean they hit the ground running and are just absolutely flying it.
They rarely touch base with me (even though I have my clients send me daily updates) and they are just losing it consistently week after week. The reality is that these women probably only need 6 weeks because they are so focused and self-motivated, and they don’t have any emotional connection with food. They eat to fuel and will do whatever is best, no questions asked.
They have the information – they implement it, and that’s it.
Don’t worry if you aren’t one of those people. Hardly anyone is that type of person. They are rare. But they are an absolute dream to work with! The truth is that I might only have one or two people at a time working with me who have that drive and determination…
➡️Back to the topic of 6 weeks…
⚠️In most cases people need more time
⚠️They need to adjust
⚠️They need to form new habits slowly
⚠️They have bumps along the way
⚠️And when they do, sometimes it can take a few weeks to get back on track
⚠️But they do get back on track
⚠️And they continue
⚠️And if they hit another bumpy patch 2 months later and stall for a couple of weeks – that’s fine.
⚠️We’ll deal with it.
⚠️Normally it might happen if they have exams, or if a loved one has become ill, or maybe they just went on holidays.
⚠️It’s just a bump
⚠️If we then plan it in – we deal with it – and they continue
Imagine you are doing a 6 week ‘diet and fitness plan’ and you hit a bump on week 5….or if you hit a bump on week 12 which is 6 weeks after the plan has ended. I would say that in 90% of cases that will be that.
The person feels totally disheartened and feels like a failure (yet again) and before they know it they are back to where they started a few months ago. But now they feel even worse because they have let themselves down.
My advice is to start a programme with the intentions of sticking with it until the job is done which should also include spending a few weeks at the end in maintenance so that you are completely ready to go alone.
As always if you have any questions or would like more information just shoot me a message.