Positive Attitude - Post Two8/7/2018 (First posted on Facebook)
I’m going to continue on from my recent tips on starting your day in a more positive way... ___ I get it, you don’t want to be hurt anymore. I don’t mean being hurt by others. I mean being hurt because you let yourself down AGAIN. >> I work with a lot of women who don’t even tell their partners that they are being coached by me at the start. They are so afraid of failing again! Not only will they let themselves down, they’ll having their partners and friends thinking “what is she up to now”....“what’s this new thing that she’s trying” They’ll only speak to me when they are at work or out for a walk on their own. When people then ask how they are losing weight they feel so good in themselves and so positive that they then tell them or else just say they are eating better. Typically these clients don’t even do any workouts with me. They wouldn’t even want to be seen workout out as they feel like such failures. Imagine that ….or maybe you don’t have to imagine it. Maybe I’m describing you. It’s very very unfair. How many times have they gotten excited about a new programme in the past and then felt so low after they failed yet again. This has happened so many times that even their partners don’t believe they’ll ever lose the weight. ⬇️⬇️ BUT…..it’s not their fault. It mostly happens when peoples past weight loss attempts were based around exercise instead of nutrition. Or if it was a nutrition based programme like a slimming club then they were doing the wrong things. It’s easy to go wrong when a nutrition programme isn’t designed for you. And also, I’m talking about women who are mainly of an age range of 40 plus. When you are 25 almost any ‘diet’ can work!! ⬆️⬆️ Sometimes people are trying to follow a diet that younger women and men are also following and the chances are that it won’t be ideal. If you have 4 stone to lose it might be enough to get you halfway there, but in a lot of cases the results stop there. >> It also might have worked when you yourself were 20 years younger, so you are wondering…why is it not working now! YOU are not the problem. The problem is that you are following a weight loss approach which isn’t specific to you and your current circumstances. Don’t be afraid! Re-educate yourself! Natural dips in hormone production, including hormones that when younger help to prevent weight gain along with increases in another hormone called insulin (which is the fat storing hormone) are both working against you. ****If you have any questions on this just ask!**** It can be hard to be positive all of the time, and of course, it is not possible to never have any negative thoughts, but if your negativity is mostly coming from the fear of failure then I hope that you now have a better understanding and can seeing where you might have been going wrong. If you can learn to switch your mindset a bit and practice positive thinking, this can have a great impact on your life and yourself in general. Try not to get scared by the fear of failing or not reaching your goals and know that even if you do make a mistake, you can try again. Believe that you will achieve your goals and you are one step closer to doing so. ***Remember that any mistake made is just a lesson to learn from. And if you have made many then you must be very wise indeed*** The video is my workout from today. Hopefully it'll help you to get started. Keep it simple when you start...just doing something is a bonus in itself.
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July 2018