Positive Attitude - Post One8/7/2018 (First posted on Facebook)
A positive attitude will make you happier and increase your success in all areas both personally and professionally. I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that. It's a bit of a vicious circle. A positive attitude will make you more creative but sometimes it can take a bit of creativity to find the solution to help increase positivity in your life. I'm going to post about this for awhile so I'd like some feedback on your thoughts. What makes you feel positive? For many that might be a hard question to answer, however, I'm sure you all could easily reel off lots if examples of things which make you feel negative. (For many it can be as simple as catching a glace of yourself in a car window and hating the shape of your body.) Let’s start with mornings, as that will set the tone for the day. Let’s create a attitude-boosting morning routine that puts you in a good mood so that you can start the day on the right track. We’ll keep this simple - you don't need to be a yoga master or a fitness freak to try these. 1. Spend 10 minutes in silence just concentrating on breathing. I know I have no chance of doing that with a 3 year old and a 5 week old but maybe some of you can! 2. Get in a short workout 3. If working out isn't your thing why not try some light stretching/yoga/Pilates 4. Eat a good meal - if you haven't planned ahead and feel guilty after eating a high carb breakfast like toast and a banana then plan ahead and make that first meal a good one. 5. Have your clothes ready - why start off in a bad mood because nothing fits Five very simple steps that anyone can do! If you are already making excuses when reading this and thinking about reasons why those steps wouldn’t suit you then be true to yourself and realise that you are just making excuses. You can do just one or you can do all five. Let me know what you think and if you can help others by letting us know what helps you to stay positive then comment below. I'm sure that small act of kindness will help both you and others to feel more positive!
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July 2018