(First posted on Facebook)
➡️I bet the advice that you were given on how you should proceed with your diet is wrong. I’ll tell you why in a minute, first it’s good to understand a few points. The term cholesterol in the way that it’s most commonly used doesn’t actually make any sense. The good and bad cholesterol (HDL and LDL) aren’t actually cholesterol, they are lipoproteins which carry cholesterol. So the first point is that cholesterol is cholesterol. HDL and LDL refers to something else. Now you’ve probably been told to reduce your saturated fat in order to reduce your ‘cholesterol’. I urge you to not only read this but to also do a bit of your own research before you make some pretty big decisions about your diet. ➡️Yes, saturated fat raises LDL (AKA bad cholesterol) levels but when first studying this many studies ignored the fact that saturated fat also raises HDL (AKA the good cholesterol). Now we need to go a small bit deeper. > It turns out that LDL (in the way the term is commonly used) isn't actually bad after all as there are different types of LDL. > Small dense LDL can cause heart disease as their small size allows them to pass through the arterial wall easily. Also known as VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein) > Large LDL cannot easily do this. It’s the small dense LDL which can become oxidized therefore leading to heart disease. > People who have large LDL are far less likely to get heart disease. ➡️So the second point is that we want large LDL and far less small LDL. ________________ AND here’s the thing! ________________ Saturated fats change LDL particles from small to large!! So even though saturated fat does raise LDL they are changing the LDL to the type which reduces the risk of heart disease. >>> ALSO Low carb diets, those which promote high fats are shown to reduce the number of LDL particles in the bloodstream. >>> AND Low fat diets are shown to do the opposite!! ************** ➡️Many recent studies have shown that there is no link between saturated fat consumption and heart disease! And these are some of the biggest and best studies. When are you likely to hear this advice from your doctor…..well unless they have done their own research then it’s likely that you won’t. Do your own research!
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July 2018